Sport Nutrition from theory to practice

15 university credits.

Part-time 50%.

This course is targeted to those who have a good foundation in physiology and nutrition but want to take their knowledge to the next level. We offer a distance course in English, with elements of interesting and instructive practical knowledge, where a broad and competent team of teachers contributes to advanced knowledge in the entire spectrum of Sports Nutrition.

Application closed

Autumn 2024

Application closed

  • Education level

    Master's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form

    Remote (campus)

  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Mandatory meetings


  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Marcus Moberg

  • Application code


  • Entry requirements

    For eligibility the applicant is required to have a higher education with a content equivalent to 90 credits of Sport Science (or a degree in a subject directed to physical activity or medicine) out of minimum 15 credits in human biology (or similar)

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees

About the course

The aim of this course is for you, with academic prior knowledge in physiology and nutrition, to obtain an advanced and broad knowledge of theory and practice in sports nutrition. This is valuable both for those who want to work with nutrition coaching for elite athletes and elite exercisers, regardless of age, or intend to work with research and development in the field. For example, the course provides advanced knowledge in the biochemistry of nutrition, nutritional needs, dietary supplements, energy needs, eating disorders, body composition and counseling.

The course is given at half-speed (50% of full-time) via online teaching that is carried out at a distance and largely at your own pace. The course also offers nine full days on site at GIH, spread out over the semester, where the focus is on internships in body composition, metabolism and nutritional counseling.

Make the course better

As a student, you have the opportunity to take an active part in the work of developing our education. Read more about GIH's quality assurance work and take part in current course and programme evaluations.

On this page

Autumn 2024

Application closed

Hide education info

  • Education level

    Master's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form

    Remote (campus)

  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Mandatory meetings


  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Marcus Moberg

  • Application code


  • Selection criteria

    Higher education credits 80 %, Drawing of lots 20 %

    More about selection rules
  • Entry requirements

    For eligibility the applicant is required to have a higher education with a content equivalent to 90 credits of Sport Science (or a degree in a subject directed to physical activity or medicine) out of minimum 15 credits in human biology (or similar)

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees
Last modified:1 Jun 2024