Multidisciplinary perspectives in dance science: Health, injury and talent

7.5 university credits.

Part-time 25%.

Are you interested in exploring health, performance/talent and injury in dance from several different perspectives? Then this course is for you. Together with dance and sport science experts as well as dance educators like yourself, you will learn about how research can be done from multiple perspectives (e.g., physiological, psychological) and with different methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative). Just as importantly, we will discuss how such research can inform practical applications in dance.

Application closed

Autumn 2024

Application closed

  • Education level

    Bachelor's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form

    Remote (campus)

  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Mandatory meetings


  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Sanna Nordin-Bates

  • Application code


  • Entry requirements

    No special admittance requirements.

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees

About the course

This course is for dance educators who wish to understand more about how scientific research can be done, and how it can inform dance practice (e.g., to enhance teaching strategies). We will critically discuss the nature of knowledge and how dance education can become more evidence-based.

To ensure real-world relevance, lectures and readings will be interspersed with discussions and practical workshops. The course will be delivered mostly online, with weekly meetings via Zoom. In addition, we will meet in person for a 2.5-day intensive on the GIH campus.

Make the course better

As a student, you have the opportunity to take an active part in the work of developing our education. Read more about GIH's quality assurance work and take part in current course and programme evaluations.

On this page

Autumn 2024

Application closed

Hide education info

  • Education level

    Bachelor's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form

    Remote (campus)

  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Mandatory meetings


  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Sanna Nordin-Bates

  • Application code


  • Selection criteria

    Upper secondary school grades 67%, Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test 33%

    More about selection rules
  • Entry requirements

    No special admittance requirements.

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees
Last modified:25 Jun 2024