Sport environments for motivation, performance and health

7.5 university credits.

Part-time 50%.

Are you interested in understanding and promoting healthy sport environments? Then this course is for you. In a flipped classroom setup, you will get a chance to deep-dive into theories, research and practical applications relating to sport motivation, performance and talent together with other students at an advanced level.

Application closed

Autumn 2024

Application closed

  • Education level

    Master's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form


  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Sanna Nordin-Bates

  • Application code


  • Entry requirements

    7.5 credits in sports psychology, health psychology or equivalent.

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees

About the course

This course is for students with previous experience in sport or health psychology who wish to deepen their theoretical knowledge as well as explore evidence-based practical strategies. As such, it is appropriate both for advanced-level students (e.g., MSc students) seeking an elective course and those working primarily in the field (e.g., coaches).

We read and discuss recent research by experts in the field, and work collaboratively to create products with real-life applications, such as handbooks and podcasts.

Make the course better

As a student, you have the opportunity to take an active part in the work of developing our education. Read more about GIH's quality assurance work and take part in current course and programme evaluations.

On this page

Autumn 2024

Application closed

Hide education info

  • Education level

    Master's level

  • Study pace


  • Teaching hours


  • Teaching form


  • Start

    Autumn 2024, week 36

  • Teaching language


  • Course plan

  • Course manager

    Sanna Nordin-Bates

  • Application code


  • Selection criteria

    Higher education credits 80 %, Drawing of lots 20 %

    More about selection rules
  • Entry requirements

    7.5 credits in sports psychology, health psychology or equivalent.

  • Tuition fee

    For applicants with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland:

    More information about tuition fees
Last modified:1 Jun 2024