Karin Hägglund

Karin Hägglund

Doctoral student

Email: karin.hagglund@gih.se

Phone: +46 8-120 53 733

Visiting address: Lidingövägen 1

Room: 1355

Belongs to: Department of Physiology, Nutrition and Biomechanics, Section for Coaching and Sport Performance Development


Read more about my interests in research.

My research interest revolves around what contributes to sustainable leadership in elite sports contexts. More specifically, my dissertation work is about developing both theoretical and practical applied knowledge about sustainable leadership based on the theory of self-compassion.

Ongoing and planned studies include both qualitative studies and studies with mixed methods with the aim of investigating if and how self-compassion could contribute to sustainable leadership among elite coaches. The overall aim is to develop an intervention to support elite coaches in their leadership role.

Representative publications

  • Hägglund, K., Kenttä G., Thelwell R. & Wagstaff, C.R.D. (2021). Mindful self-reflection to support sustainable high-performance coaching: A process evaluation of a novel method development in elite sport. Journal of Applied Psychology, doi: 10.1080/10413200.2021.1925782.
  • Hägglund, K., Kenttä G., Thelwell R. & Wagstaff, C.R.D. (2019). Is there an upside of vulnerability in sport? A mindfulness approach applied in the pursuit of psychological strength. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 4, 220-226, doi.org/10.1080/21520704.2018.1549642.

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Other information

Professional qualifications

  • Lectures on self-compassion and being sustainable in a changing world (hired by the public sector, the business community and sports associations).
  • Trained course leader in Acceptance Commitment Training (ACT).
  • Former editor and writer for the magazine FLOW, published by the Swedish Sports Psychology Association.
  • Assistant coach and responsible training advisor, Swedish Karate Federation 2014–2017.
  • Guest coach for the Icelandic Karate National Team 2017–2018.
  • Author of karate's Olympic requirements profile on behalf of the Swedish Karate Federation and the Swedish Olympic Committee 2017.
  • Ten years of experience as a strategist and project manager in public health and health promotion in municipalities, county councils and at regional level

Athletic merits

  • Five-time Swedish champion and three-time Nordic champion in karate.
  • Sports Performance of the Year 2011, Swedish Karate Federation.
  • Youth Leader of the Year, City of Stockholm 2009.

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Academic title

Master's Degree in Health Promotion